
PaloAlto Packet Loss of 1% and More

Problem: PaloAlto firewall is dropping packets in small bursts of some seconds, and sometimes it drops TCP connections. It only happens on HA clusters on interfaces in active/passive (fail over) mode. Solution: disable the following check box in the Ethernet interface Advanced – LLDP settings: “Enable in HA Passive State” Discussion: Palo Alto uses only one MAC address

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Generate CSR using openssl

Browsers started to warn users about certificates with Sha1 signature. Sha256 is needed now a days. So it’s time to renew certificates from Thawte, Godaddy, etc You can generate a new Certificate Signing Request with openssl with this command: openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout servername.key -out servername.csr -sha256 “servername.csr” is an ascii file you can send

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F5 data flood

Problem: A F5 load balancer LTM sends lots of data to some clients. Sometimes this fills up all the available bandwidth with 1 Gbit or more. At the same time the input traffic does not raise. The traffic charts look like if F5 is attacking some clients (reversed DDoS :-) ) Discussion: After some time of staring

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Howto generate an SSL key and self signed cert with openssl

For SSH, HTTPS, TLS SMTP,POPS, IMAPS you need a RSA key pair. Most Linux package installers produce this pairs automatically, but if you like, you can generate them yourself. The quickest method I found is: openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout servername.key -out servername.crt -days 1024 This command asks you some questions. The most

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AVM Fritz!box DHCP Problem

Problem: I wanted to provide a CWMP (TR-069) ACS URL to an AVM modem using DHCP on the WAN Interface, but the DHCP server ignores this vendor-option. Discussion: Following the TR-069 specs, the CWMP-ACS Server can be included in an dhcp response using vendor-option (SubOption 1). Usually vendor options should work with isc-dhcp-servers like that:

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