Author name: alex

DHCP Relay on Linux

DHCP relaying is used to forward DHCP requests to a DHCP server if the client and the server are not on the same network. One standard implementation of this is isc-dhcp-relay which is part of the isc-dhcp package. Problem: The dhcrelay is forwarding the dhcp request to the dhcp server and the dhcp server is […]

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Mikrotik OSPF Routing Distance Ignored

Discussion: Every routing protocol has a default distance to help the router to decide which route to use in case of multiple routes for the same destination. For Mikrotik routers these distances are listed here: you want to configure a backup link that is only activated when the OSPF main route is missing, you can

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MITMProxy and IOS 13

Problem: if you want to debug a IOS app with MITMProxy, the iPhone needs to trust the MITMProxy CA. This is done by going to and clicking on the apple symbol. Then you have to accept the “profile” in Settings “downloaded profiles”. Then you have to trust this new CA cert in “Settings” “General”

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Greenlock(-express) Letsencrypt Fails with ECONNRESET

Problem: after upgrading vom greenlock-express v2.0 to v2.5 and switching from acme-v1 to acme-v2 every attempt to register a new TLS cert with Letsencrypt fails with “ECONNRESET” Discussion: the new version of greenlock tries to validate the .well-known/acme-challenge file before asking letsencrypt for the certificate.If your webserver is behind a loadbalancer or firewall and the

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Apache Start Hangs during Reboot of a KVM Virtual Server

Problem: Apache needs very long to start on a virtual server running on a KVM/QEMU virtual maschine. Solution: Apache needs a RNG (random number generator) for startup, probably because of TLS. A pure virtual maschine has no RNG device per default. If you add an RNG device to the virtual maschine configuration, apache startup is

Apache Start Hangs during Reboot of a KVM Virtual Server Read More »

Sparse Files Howto

Unix file systems like ext3/4 can store files which are partly empty more efficiently by not storing blocks with all zeros. These files are called sparse files. When reading these files every things works as normal but “all zero” blocks don’t wast space on the drive. This can be useful for different application. For example

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