Chrome Won’t Let You Proceed to Website with Invalid Certificate

As an IT professional it’s quite common that have to connect web servers with invalid certificates, for different reasons. For expample opening a management GUI of an appliance may be necessary to change its own certificate or TLS settings. Problem: sometimes chrome won’t let you open this website, and gives you no “Proceed on” button. […]

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Smartd Reports “Reallocated_Sector_Ct” erroneously

Problem: In syslog you find a line like this: But when you check with “smartctl -a” you find a reallocated sector count of zero: Discussion: The harddisk had actually no reallocated sectors, but Smartctrl (Smartmontools) reported a wrong error, because when it was started a different harddisk with errors was found as /dev/sda, but with

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Devuan / Debian Versions

Admins who prefer a Unix style operation system and don’t like the centralized “one tool doing it all” approach of systemd, switch to Devuan. This mostly improves uptime over boot time. Admins of servers don’t care about boot time and prefer uptime. This list keeps track of the related versions of Devuan and Debian. Debian

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Cisco ASR-1001-X Update

There are at least two pieces of software you can update in a Cisco ASR-1001-X. The ROMMON (firmware) and the IOS itself. This router uses “Cisco IOS XE Software”. Which is an IOS process on a Linux kernel as far as I know. Cisco recommends specific ROMMON releases for different generations of software. You can

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DHCP Relay on Linux

DHCP relaying is used to forward DHCP requests to a DHCP server if the client and the server are not on the same network. One standard implementation of this is isc-dhcp-relay which is part of the isc-dhcp package. Problem: The dhcrelay is forwarding the dhcp request to the dhcp server and the dhcp server is

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